I had my first panic attack in 2009. It was at the movie theater in Waco. I couldn't move and felt as if I was having a heart attack. I was trying to decide if I was going to apply for a job in McKinney. It was happening quickly and I had an interview lined up. (This is my current job now!)
I have had many panic attacks since then.
I have been on medicine, gone to therapy, and tried essential oils. Currently, I am going the essential oils and hot baths route.... as well as seeing a counselor twice a month.
I haven't had one in months, but with a new school year coming up, and many changes in effect for our family, I am starting to feel anxious.
I bring this up because I have talked to many women lately, who struggle with anxiety. The struggle is
REAL. I was surprised to learn how many of my friends and acquaintances have similar difficulties.
I have this on my mirror and read it every day:
As I'm nearing the start of another school year... and feeling anxious about the unknown... I seek first my ultimate Comforter and Healer. They say 'God will never give you more than you can carry'... well God must think I am a superstar.... but, regardless ;)
1. I want to look at this year as a chance to LOVE on some children who may not have parents or their parents are incarcerated, and they are in desperate need of some love and structure in their life. I cannot wait to pray with my teammate about these little ones coming into our rooms and our lives.
2. I want to strive to use that strength and dignity when I face the future and the unknown. A lot of women, including myself, live in constant fear. I want to be bold and face those fears head on. I want to live in confidence of who I am, and not depend on what someone says or doesn't say or does or doesn't do.
3. I want to take on each day, one at a time, without fear paralyzing me. I will replace it with the HOPE that I will be able to do the same the next day. If I am not able to, I will go easy on myself and try again the next day :)