Here are some tips for how I make it as a working mom :) And, most days I forget to follow these and end up in the fetal position. JK. Kind of.
***Stay at home moms have a very hard job- I am one for a few months a year and it is tough- unfortunately/fortunately? I am not able to be one year round, so here are tips that help me.
1. Pray.
I am in constant communication with God. CONSTANT. I changed my prayer life two years ago and it has made all the difference.
2. Let it go.
This is my life motto. As a victim of being an over-analyzer, worrier, and hormonal woman, I have to remind myself to LET IT GO. Nothing is too big or too important. Be PRESENT and in the NOW. Usually following the tips below help me not to feel overwhelmed but when I do I have to LET IT GO. Just like the song…. you go Elsa…… Let it go, Let it go!
3. 1 load of laundry a day. That's #3 you say? Why yes, because laundry is the bane of my existence. I loathe laundry. I don't like collecting it, (from wherever people have thrown it) sorting it, or putting it away. I asserted my feelings and told my people they need to at least put them in the hampers. Even Jack knows the word 'dirty' and 'hamper'. Then, I told myself only 1 load a day. We have enough clothes (thank you Lord!) to make it with only 1 load a day. This helps it not pile up and spoil my precious weekend. I also remind my OCD self that even if I get all the hampers emptied (I've been known to scream YYYYESSS!!) they fill up again that day.
3. I delegate. I am a 'I'll do it myself' person. Always have been. I have had to teach myself to ask for help and to let Jon and the kids do things. I pick easy chores for the kids that are developmentally appropriate. Jack picks up his toys and puts his clean socks and underwear away. Ellie makes her bed and picks up toys and puts up all of her clean laundry. She also started making her own lunch. My mom also helps me out quite a bit. She takes care of Jack in the morning and afternoon but in between has been known to run an errand for me :)
4. I remind myself of my victories for the day. This one is HUGE for me. I tend to be a perfectionist and take things to heart. I may have parenting fails or teacher fails throughout the day, but have to remind myself tomorrow is a new day and what were some of the great things that happened or that I did.
5. I surround myself with encouraging, Godly people. Can I brag on my teaching partner? She prays for me. All. the. time. We pray together. She keeps me grounded in faith and gives me words of wisdom daily. We also laugh a lot because with our job, that's all you can do sometimes. ;) I've already told you about my mom, but my dad is an encourager too. I'm so thankful that I have two parents who tell me daily, still, that I am loved and pray for me constantly.
6. I use essential oils and take hot baths. I also use this nifty little thing I bought at the Farmer's Market that I'll share next week in a post about my 'favorite things.' The oils really do work and calm me down. They also make me smell good when I haven't showered in a few days. Just saying.
7. I relax when the kids go to bed. I finish up chores and Jon and I usually watch one of our shows. I just started Parenthood on Netflix so that will keep me busy! I try to finish up work at work. Sometimes I need to grade papers or plan or create a test, but for the most part I leave work at work. That includes any emotions or issues pertaining to work.
These are a few of my working mom tips that have helped me make it through the year! Summer here I come! Sleeping in late (ha!) and doing nothing all day (double ha!)…..